Part of good coaching is the having the ability to get the most out of the tools your have. When it comes to managing a roster, creating lineups, meet entries, and results management. most high schools have Hy-Tek’s Team Manager. It’s a tool that can really accomplish quite a bit, but can be a bit overwhelming.
In my opinion, the functionality is solid, but it can be a bit overwhelming due to a challenging user interface.
In the spirit of empowering coaches, MSV will be offering on-demand Team Manager training in the months of July and August to any coach or coaching staff that would like a helping hand. Great for coaches new to coaching high school, coaches that hate technology, and pretty much anyone who isn’t fluent in the application.
Training will be one-on-one via web meeting, at a time that works for you, and in a safe environment where you will be there to learn, not be judged.
All you have to do is email and I will contact you to set up a time where we can share, learn and tame the beast of Team Manager so you can spend more time coaching and less time screaming at a screen.