Section 1A Recognition Spotlight: Emilie Troster (Albert Lea)

from coach Angel Welch

Inspiration and leadership doesn’t always have to come from your older kids. Sometimes, the younger one’s like Albert Lea 8th grader, Emilie Troster can be a positive role model.

When your nickname is Little Bravestone, there’s gotta be a good reason. Coach Welch filled us in. “Emilie is so brave! All season she has been stepping up in BIG ways. She works hard at practice and is always willing to try new things. She’s a reliable teammate and an excellent example of what can happen when you take a leap of faith and really chase your goals. Our team is very proud of the person she is and what she’s accomplished  this season!”

There’s a lot of things in this sport that can seem scary and it takes trust and courage to tackle them head on. Sounds like Emilie has figured this out at an early age and will be someone who will inspire her teammates for years to come. Minnesota Swim and Vibe would like to join your coaches in recognizing your efforts. Vibe on Emilie!!!

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